Great to Know Information for You the Western Horse Rider

One of the main objectives of my site is to provide a deep website, with many different articles about horses and horse care. I am aiming to give the researcher or reader a wonderful site experience.This page is a great source for information for you the western horse rider.

I want the customers to not just enjoy the site, but to use it as a great source of thoroughly researched information for the avid horse lover and the great western horse riders out there.

This page is the entry way to 7 of out best information pages, that you may use for your research. Good Luck and please let us know if these pages help you out.

Horse Bridles

A provocative discussion of which is better for your horse, bit less or bited bridles. There is much discussion about this, and obviously two diabolically different points of view can be expressed by both sides of the argument.

We go into a lengthy point of view by Dr. Robert Cook, backed with research evidence supporting his bit less point of view.

This is also a detailed article of all of the types of bridles used by horse owners from around the world. We go into where and when the bridles are used.

There is much to chew on here, and much thought should be applied to this area of horse equipment, before you decide what you will be using on and with your horse…
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western tack sets

Owning a horse is a large responsibility. If you are new or recent to horse ownership and horse riding, this is a great place to begin.

This is a wonderful article, chocked full of horse tack terms and descriptions that will give the newbie a much broader understanding of the types of horse tack that is available.

Most of this information is essential to having knowledge of so that you can properly take care of and use your horse for riding. We discuss everything from headstalls and bridles to saddles and halters.

We also tell the reader about the advantages of buying western tack sets, and also talk about the advantages of purchasing top of the line quality, tack sets wen you do make larger purchases like this.

For a more in depth look and education, go to this page and have your learning brain turned on to get the most out of this article.
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Navajo Ancient Design Saddle Blankets by Tahoe

When you own a horse, you are looking for a pleasurable time riding your horse. As time goes by, you will be riding your horse in many different situations. You may also be doing some traveling with your horse.

As you do travel you will be needing to plan ahead on what types of things you will be needing to take top care of your horse. Things that you will need to be preparing for are the best ways to protect your horse equipment.

Equipment such as the saddle, how to keep your horse warm after riding it and then the drive back home in a trailer. Horse blankets, a saddle cover, and a saddle stand are some of the horse accessories, that come to mind.

These and many other saddle accessories are covered in our article here…
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synthetic saddles

The large discussion about saddles is the synthetic saddle versus the real leather saddle. The sides are well chosen, and they have their reasons for believing which one is better for them. A good argument for price differences and ease of cleaning are two points that are often brought up.

The synthetic saddle has many advantages which we openly talk about, and many great points are brought to front. Many advantages for the synthetic saddle are brought into our article about why these saddles are great to use for endurance horse riding. Our seven top tips are presented in a very logical manner.

A quick read through this page will give you a better idea of out presentation on why a synthetic saddle would be a good choice for some horse riding activities.
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leather saddle

In this very useful article our discussion is a detailed talk on how you would go about measuring everything that is needed to be measured in fitting a saddle to your horse.

What are some of the things that come to mind in measuring a horse and yourself for a good fit saddle?

We visit the top things that need to be considered in fitting a saddle to your horse. Both the horse’s measurements and your measurements are talked about.

A deep thought provoking but yet a great way to best fit a saddle to both rider and horse are detailed out for you. We hope this will help you out in this very important horse purchase
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youth saddle

How to buy a youth saddle is similar but yet very different to buying a saddle for yourself. Have you ever thought about how important it would be to include your child in the process?

A very good discussion on the size guidelines for buying a youth saddle are included. How about the idea of teaching your child during this process how to clean and care for a saddle as well.

Many responsibility lessons could be useful in helping form your child’s future habits. All good of course.

A good bonding process for parent and child is laid out in this instructions on buying a saddle for a young person. Many hours of riding pleasure of course being the goal. Read More»

Billy Cook Paycheck Supreme Saddle

Every good western you have ever watched had a hero, a good guy, and then there was the villain. What on earth are we talking about?

Billy Cook is a legend in his own time, a hero to many. Why a hero you ask? Because his saddlery products are products of legendary design and quality.

The best some say that there is to buy and to own. But the villain is Billy Cook’s luck or all the circumstances that have surrounded him.

All of this has made it very difficult for a person to find, or to own an original Billy Cook saddle. They are very hard to come by. Read this great article about the legend of Billy Cook Saddlery products.

We think you will enjoy and learn about what makes a great saddlery product. Read More»

Accessories For Your Western Riding Horse

Your horse is your pride and joy. You spend many hours with your friend. You always spend many of your hard earned dollars on caring for your favorite horse. Needless to say horse care is very important to you.

Horse care is very important to us as well. We like to provide you with top tips for caring for your friend. Also we enjoy researching and presenting to you our views on horse care products that we think you should be aware of.

Whether it is a saddle pad, or a horse grooming kit, or a better bridle, or how about a saddle blanket, these are the better ideas we bring to you. Please use our resources to better your life with your horse.

Impact Gel Saddle pad

Choosing the correct saddle pad is very important to both your riding pleasure and how well Neoprene and your horse performs when riding it.

When you are choosing the saddle pad to use for your western ride, you need to ask some very key questions about your horse. You will need to determine the physical stature of your horse. Questions to be asked are: Is my horse swayback? or is my horse straight backed?

Is my horse high withered, or very high or maybe low withered. This will definitely matter in picking out the best saddle pad for your horse. You must also consider the type of saddle that you are using on your horse.

You must take these and many other things into account, in order to make the best choice possible for you, the horse, and the comfort and safety of riding your horse. Make your choices easier…
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Impact Gel XT Lite Pad

A great choice to make when picking out a saddle pad is to choose from a great selection of Impact Gel Saddle Pads.

Impact gel is just one of the many choices you can choose from for a great saddle pad. The saddle pad you choose will definitely have an impact on how your horse will perform for you, both long term and short term.

Some of the other great choices are discussed in this very informative article on saddle pads.
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Oster Equine Care Series

This is our review of a great starter grooming kit for the new horse owner. This 7 piece kit has all of the grooming utensils that are needed to properly care for your horse. You need to treat your investment in the best possible way.

As a horse owner, you definitely have advantages to take good care of your horse. A well groomed happy horse is a well performing horse.

Why not max out the pleasure of owning a horse and why not get the maximum pleasure riding experience as well.
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saddle pad choices

After a short period of owning and riding your horse you will realize just how very important having the correct and properly fitting horse riding equipment is to your horse.

One of the most important pieces to concentrate on making the best you can, is the saddle pad.

Our great article about all the necessary areas to cover in buying the best possible saddle pad for your horse is discussed on this page for you.

We don’t leave any stone unturned. As we explore the horse saddle pad, how to buy the correct size, how to buy the properly vented pad and more areas of interest to you.
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Pharmaka Saddle soap

When you purchase a saddle it is usually a rather large purchase, and probably your one sole largest expense for equipment for your horse.

It is an investment into your horse and your horse activities. It is the center of everything equipment wise in horse riding.

So taking good care of your investment should be a priority to you. This article goes through how to clean and why to clean a saddle. Many great ideas are presented to the horse owner.

Taking the time to take great care of a saddle will be well worth it. The fact that your saddle will last many years longer and that you will always have a quality piece of riding equipment should be enough for you to make the effort. It will be enjoyed by both you and your horse for many years.
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Oster Equine Care Series Grooming Kit-A Review

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I Am Excited About My Oster Equine Care Series Grooming Kit

Oster Equine Care Series Grooming Kit

When we researched grooming tools, this is one of the highest rated grooming kits. The Oster Equine Care Series 7 Piece Grooming Kit is very special.

Grooming your horse is always a good thing. Finding many of the top tools you need to groom your horse all in one kit is a great thing.

Oster Equine 7-Piece Horse Grooming KitOster Equine Care Series 7-Piece Horse Grooming KitOster Equine Care Series 7-Piece Horse Grooming Kit

If you are looking for a great buy on horse grooming tools then you came to the right place. Keeping your horse clean and well groomed is similar to you taking great care of your tools. it is the same thing. The horse is riding pleasure and many hours of personal pleasure from riding and the open air.

What Is The Big Deal

This kit, is a 7 piece kit of all of the essentials for people when they are starting out with their horse. The kit includes Oster’s stiff grooming brush, soft finishing brush, coarse curry comb, mane and tail brush, mane and tail comb and hoof pick.

In a Hurry? =>>> Get Your 7 Piece Oster Horse Grooming Kit HERE

If you shop for this separately, you will pay much, much more than you will pay for this kit. Many customers also mention that the Amazon price for the kit just can’t be beat. Many tried local tack, shops but this was just a better deal for them.

Customer Comments Why Are They All So Excited

The Amazon customers have shown that they very much approve of this grooming kit. There are over one hundred customer reviews, [toc]and the customers have rated this Oster kit a at well over a 4.5 star rating. This an excellent rating for any product on Amazon.

Let the customers speak:

 Equine Care Grooming Kit For a horse

“The Stiff Grooming brush is great at getting the mud off your horse. This is really great if your horse enjoys splashing in mud like my own does.”

“The Mane and Tail Brush/comb get those tough knots out without me tugging on my horse’s hair. They are really big and easy to hold too; so you get a good grip while brushing.”

“The Hoof Pick is durable and doesn’t bend however it DOES NOT have a brush which is a Con”

“The brushes go through the worst tangles in a horses mane and tail easily. This is my pick to groom even my three shelties. They are also very comfortable in my hand.”

“The Medium Face Brush is great at getting the food and mud off his face without hassle .. 🙂 And its big and thick too!”

So as you can see they really think the tools are great.

Why Should I Buy This Kit From Amazon

The biggest reason you should buy this on is that this kit sells for much more in local shops, and you may as well save your money. Also please remember that Amazon is known worldwide for their top customer service.

At Amazon the customer always come first. You can not beat how dependable their delivering the product in great shape, delivering it quickly, and you will get what you ordered.

You also will enjoy shopping from the comfort of your home. It saves money and time, no more driving from place to place, doing comparable shopping. Just the thought of that is maddening.

Spend your time caring for your horse, and riding your horse. You are buying a name brand, quality equine care kit, and you are getting just what you need, at the price that fits your budget as well.


Oster 7-Piece Horse Grooming KitOster Equine Care Series 7-Piece Horse Grooming KitOster Equine Care Series 7-Piece Horse Grooming KitPink Equine Care Grooming Kit by OsterOster Equine Care Series 7-Piece Horse Grooming KitOster Equine Care Series 7-Piece Horse Grooming Kit

Read More About HorseCare-View Related Posts Below

Accessories For Your Western Riding Horse
This is our cover page for our post on Accessories For Your Western Riding Horse. Best and Brief reading from posts we made on horse care and the accessories that will help
Top Tips on How to Clean a Saddle
This article provides great tips on how to clean a saddle. Many things to do, as well as things to be aware of. the best care possible for your saddle.

You Will Want to Use an Impact Gel XT Lite Pad

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Try The Best-Use an Impact Gel XT Lite Pad With Your Saddle

Impact Gel XT Lite Saddle Pad

If you decide to use an Impact Gel XT Lite pad, your horse will thank you.

Taking great care of your horse, will probably include using an Impact Gel Saddle pad. Since horse saddle pads are a necessity, when riding your horse.

Why would I say that, well the owner of a horse, knows taking good care of his horse means his horse will be there for him, when he needs it.

When shopping for saddle pads you will notice that various impact gel saddle pads are extremely popular with horse owners. There are many good reasons for this.

Why Would I Want To Buy An Impact Gel XT Lite Pad

One of the most popular saddle pads is the XT Lite Gel, from Impact Gel. This pad was first introduced in 2012. It has the latest gel pad technology involved in it’s manufacture. Why would you want to buy an impact gel pad?

The biggest reason is that the XT-Lite is very light on your horse’s back and it is very breathable. This helps your horse stay cooler while you are riding it. The pad is also very easy to keep clean.

You will also find the the Impact gel pad is very well made, and the inside, soft protection gel pad piece, is very soft, and amazingly comfortable for you.

In a Rush =>>> Go HERE Now to buy your Impact Gel XT Lite Saddle Pad

How Does It Clean up

The best way to clean it is to take it to a car wash, and use the high pressure hoses to wash away all of the horse hair and dirt that has collected on it. The pad should never be scrubbed with regular brushes, nor should you use, harsh cleaners on it.[toc]

The best thing is to lightly use a curry comb brush to lightly stroke down on it to help remove all of the loose horse hair that the car washer spray has loosened up and pushed down towards the ground.

Impact Gel Saddle Pad

If you do that way it should clean up really nice. The manufacturer also suggests using olive oil to clean the leather on the saddle pad. To rub it, and try to keep the same color going as you clan it. You need to realize that the oil oil will darken it up a bit.

What Are Some Of It’s Best Features

The XT Lite Gel has a system of perforations throughout the gel insert, creating a lighter, breathable and cooler pad. This close-contact design is crafted for maximum fit.

This two-piece technology consists of a contour cut over the spine, cutout at the withers and under the rigging for a perfect fit. The internal base layer system creates a non-slip, close contact technology designed to lock down your saddle and protect your horse under the most extreme conditions, allowing extended riding.

The pad is also available in black, gray and 100% brown wool and you should also know that it is available with or without fleece lining.

Why Buy It From

Where else can you from the comfort of your own home, without having to drive to the nearest town, can you buy this quality Impact Gel Saddle pad? Also if you check around you will be very hard pressed to find this pad at this low of a price in a local Tack shop.

You are assured a quick delivery to your door of this product. Any problems, nobody tops with customer service.

So Amazon wins on the price, the customer service, and then on the convenience of making the purchase.

So, The XT Lite Impact Gel pad is yours now by clicking on this link. I wish to make my purchase now.


Black Impact Gel Saddle Pad Impact Gel XT Lite Pad 32x32x3/4 BlackGel XT Pad w/ Fleece Bottom 32x32 BlacImpact Gel XT Lite Pad w/ Fleece Bottom 32×32 Blac

Read More About The Importance of Using Saddle Pad-View Related Posts Below

Saddle Pad Choices-How Do You Choose the Best
Your horse tack, and how it has been put together, will make a large difference to your horse. Saddle pad choices are critical to getting a great ride.
Impact Gel Saddle Pad and Other Top Choices
Using an Impact Gel saddle pad, on your horse may be one of the best choices you could make. We review many other top choice pads in this article as well.

Saddle Pad Choices-How Do You Choose the Best

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There’s nothing quite like mounting your horse in anticipation of a great ride and the fresh air of the outdoors. At that moment you don’t care if it’s trail riding or riding English or Western, you and your horse have it.

Saddle Pad Choices

It is that special relationship, between horse and man, that few outside the equine world could possibly get.

How Can You Enhance That Relationship

The tack you use, on the other hand, matters a great deal if you want to get the most out of your ride. The saddle is important – this goes without saying. But what’s under the saddle matters just as much, and the saddle pad choices for your horse and the type of riding you’ll be partaking in can be a tricky decision.

What Are Some Saddle Pad Choices

First, let’s discuss the fit of a saddle pad. This will greatly depend on your particular horse and their anatomy. Is your horse flat-backed or sway-backed? Are the withers high, very high, or low?

These all make a difference when choosing both your saddle, and your pad. It is possible to make up for some anatomical inadequacies with a saddle pad, but for the most part, you’ll want to choose a pad and saddle that are compatible and work the best for the horse in question.


Diamond Wool Endurance Contour Ranch PadDiamond Wool Endurance Contour Ranch PadTahoe Tack Fleece Lined Navajo Pony Saddle PadsTahoe Tack Fleece Lined Navajo Pony Saddle PadsDerby Cotton Correction Half Saddle Pad FleeceDerby Originals Cotton Correction Half Saddle Pad Fleece Lined, White

Remember also that no two horses are exactly the same, so what works for one horse may not work for another. Taking your time with your saddle pad choices will be worth it.

Generally speaking, the best saddle pad will fit just past the length of the saddle itself. Any longer, and you’ll experience unnecessary bulk and movement. Next consider the type of riding you do.

Have You Considered These Choices Carefully

Saddle pads come in myriad varieties for both English and Western riding. If you are training or competing in activities such as barrel racing, you’ll need a specific barrel saddle pad. This pad will be rounded towards the back, just like a barrel saddle. This affords the horse more room for comfortable movement, and therefore, increased speed as well.

tough saddle pad choices

A barrel saddle pad will also be made of moisture-wicking material to keep your horse comfortable and prevent friction while practicing and competing.

Are You Planning On Competitions

If you’ll be competing in western show, you’ll want to reserve a special western show pad for use in the ring.

This won’t be the pad you’ll use every day in practice, but you will want to do a trial run or two to make sure there are no issues with the pad and saddle combination well in advance of entering the show ring. The last thing you need is for your pad to malfunction when you least expect it.

Are You Aware of the Material Choices

There is also quite a wide variety of choices when it comes to saddle pad materials. The top and the bottom layers of the pad will often be produced using two different materials, both with very different purposes.

saddle pad decisions for your horse

Natural wool felt is often used to make a saddle pad, as it affords a bit of “grip” to the saddle bottom due to the cuticle layers of the individual fibers that make up the wool.

Natural wool also has natural sweat-wicking capabilities which help keep the horse comfortable. These are usually thick felt -around 2-2.5cm – that is both lightweight and extremely durable.

Natural wool felt is also one of the best choices for alleviating pressure points an ill-fitting saddle might present, and present excellent shock-absorption capability.

What Are the Traits That Make Fleece Great

Fleece is a second choice and one to consider if price is an issue. Fleece saddle pads are normally less expensive. While a fleece saddle pad will not provide the same shock-absorption as wool felt, they are still comfortable for the horse.

Keep in mind that you’ll come across both natural fleece originating from sheep, and synthetic fleece. Natural fleece provides more loft, initially, but also compresses quicker due to the natural felting tendency of natural animal fiber.

Also, the sweat your horse produces while wearing natural fleece will begin to break down the fleece if the saddle pad is not properly cared for before and after each use.

Can You Name The Advantages Of Using Neoprene

Next you will need to consider Neoprene as a top saddle pad choice. Neoprene is a more modern choice for many equine enthusiasts, as it has heat-dissipating and wicking capabilities that rival wool, without the weight.

Performers 1st Choice Air Flow Pimple Grip Pad

Neoprene saddle pads will often have a “waffle” look to them – this helps alleviate heat build-up under the pad, and keep your horse much cooler when riding.

Another advantage of neoprene is that it is far more “grippy” than wool felt or fleece. If you’ve ever ridden on a saddle that likes to slip, this is a distinct advantage, as it alleviates one of the worries when riding – enabling you to enjoy your ride, not worry about falling off your horse!

Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking

There’s a lot to consider when choosing a saddle pad. Yep that’s what I was thinking too. We need to do a bit of research, consider your horses unique shape, your saddle size, and the type of riding you’ll be doing.

After doing all of that you’ll be well on your way to choosing a saddle pad that will serve you and your horse for years to come! Many years of riding can be yours. Great riding enjoyment to you!

Read More About The Importance of Using a Saddle Pad-View Related Posts Below

Impact Gel Saddle Pad and Other Top Choices
Using an Impact Gel saddle pad, on your horse may be one of the best choices you could make. We review many other top choice pads in this article as well.
You Will Want to Use an Impact Gel XT Lite Pad
You Will Want to Use an Impact Gel XT Lite Pad if you do a lot of trail riding. those sores you may get will stop. The Impact Gel XT Lite Saddle pad is there for the taking now.

Western Tack Sets-Quick Answer For Horse Owners?

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western tack sets
western tack sets

If you are a new horse owner, or if you are a recent newbie to horse ownership you know that it is difficult at first to put your head around horse tack. So if you look for western tack sets, which are available, it will help you solve some of your problems of choice.

Can Western Tack Sets Actually Help You

Western tack sets can definitely help, because if you just walk into any tack shop, or perform a Google search online for horse tack, you’re bound to be overwhelmed by the immense amount of choices in the different categories available.

A few things that you will need to know. What is “tack”anyways? headstalls, girth straps, lead ropes, halters…these are just a few of the names of different types of tack used to ride, show, and work your horse.

After reading this article, you’ll not only be familiar with the types of tack available, but also the purpose each piece serves in riding your horse for the various uses that use their horses for.[toc]

Tack is the broad term used to describe the saddle and other equipment or accessories needed to ride or work your horse safely and effectively. Each type of riding, and each task to be accomplished in riding, requires its own special type of tack.

So let’s talk further about what you need to know in consideration for your choices, of horse tack or to the westerner (cowboy tack), studied further.

What Are the Different Pieces Of Tack

Head Gear

A horse’s head gear is important, as it enables the rider to control the horses direction, head position, and stance via pressure points on the horses face and ears. You can think of headgear as a means of communication to the horse that both the horse and the rider can understand.

Horse Bridles
Horse Bridles

Knowing that horses will generally move away from discomfort, headgear exploits this fact in order to gain control over the horse in a humane and realistic manner.

Headstall or Bridle

The headstall or bridle, are the thin pieces of leather fitted together to allow the bit (the bar of metal that goes into the horses mouth) to rest comfortably.

From each side of the bit, the leather travels up the sides of the horses face, and attaches to another piece that either rests over the horses forehead, or goes around one or both ears.

The headstall connects in the back of the horses ears in an area called the poll. All pieces are adjustable with buckles to custom fit the headstall to the horse. The reins will also connect to each side of the bit, and are held in the rider’s hands for control.

What Can You Learn From Hackamore the Bitless Bridle

When looking at western tack sets, you may find a hackamore bridle is offered in the set. A hackamore bridle is a bridle that has no bit, and utilizes the sensitivity of the area just above the horse’s nostrils to control the horse.

The hackamore is used when a horse has mouth or teeth issues and is unable to accept a bit in their mouth. This is generally the case with very old horses. This type of bridle is also used to start very young horses in training, before the bit is introduced.

The Halter

A halter is a piece of cowboy tack that consists of a noseband, and a headstall, but does not have a bit. These are usually made from nylon or leather, and are used in conjunction with a lead rope to lead the horse, tie a horse out, or load it in a trailer. Basically, anytime you need to take the horse somewhere while not riding it, you’ll use the lead rope and halter.

The Saddle

The saddle is the most obvious piece of cowboy tack that is used, and that we are all familiar with. There are several parts to the individual saddle that will differ with Western or English riding. The saddle gives you a comfortable, secure place to sit while on your horse.

Western Horse saddles
Horse Saddle

The saddle you choose will also depend on the type of riding you intend to do. Whether you are barrel racing, trail riding, jumping, or competing in the ring, there is a saddle that will fit your needs…and your horse.

For instance, when you’re showing western pleasure, you’ll need western show tack, and that includes a show saddle.

Western show tack is like the “Sunday best” of the tack world, and is usually heavily embellished with silver and extensive leather tooling. This tack is an investment, and it’s use is reserved solely for inside the show ring.

Western show tack, probably generally is not offered in western tack sets, because, of how special western show tack is, to the person who shows his horse. He wants the best of the best for his show entry.

Can You Name Some More Cowboy Tack

A saddle accessory widely used for pleasure and trail riding is called a breastplate (or breast collar). This is a piece of western cowboy tack that attached to the front of the saddle, forms a “Y” on the horses breast, and attaches to the girth strap (the strap across the horses belly that holds the saddle on the horse).

The breastplate is also an important part of a western tack set. A breastplate is very important because when you’re going up hills, it prevents the saddle from slipping backward or to the side and falling off the horse.

Finally, attached to the saddle on either side are the stirrups. The stirrups aren’t just a comfortable place to rest your feet – they are actually also used to control the horse depending on pressure and position of the heels.

Weaver Leather Women's 25-8312 Roping SpurWeaver Leather Women’s 25-8312 Roping SpurWeaver Men's 25-7655 Spur/Engraved German Silver TrimWeaver Men’s 25-7655 Spur/Engraved German Silver TrimWeaver Leather Men's 25-8311 Roping SpurWeaver Leather Men’s 25-8311 Roping Spur


Another vital piece of a western tack set is a pair of stirrups. Cowboy tack always includes a pair of stirrups, which come in a wide variety from metal, to wood to leather-covered, and are a highly personal choice.

When shopping for great western tack sets, a great choice would be to look at site or businesses that may be offering, Weaver tack sets, as these are top of the line in quality.

Have You Ever Heard Of Weaver Horse Tack Sets

Weaver horse tack is definitely one of the top choices for a great manufacturer of horse tack. Weaver Leather Company was started in 1973, as Fryburg Shoe Shop founded by Harry A.Weaver. It was primarily a shoe repair shop in the beginning.

In 1974, Harry changed it’s name to Weather Leather Goods, as it shifted to leather goods manufacturing. They ended shoe repair by 1978, and by 1982, they put out a 10 page catalog listing, horse halters, cattle and pet supplies and many other hardware pieces.

Eventually Weaver leather goods became Weaver leather. They are a very large leading manufacturer, distributor of, and marketer of quality equine, livestock, pet, leather supply and arborist products.

Weaver is today, a high quality line of horse tack. The broadness of their equine products, put together as a set, would most definitely present itself as a very worthy best choice. Weaver horse tack, would be an excellent place to go for you, in supplying your horse, in the best way possible.

Remember To Personalize Your Western Tack Set

All of the above equipment also comes in convenient western tack sets, removing the guesswork, and making sure all your tack is coordinated. You will find as you shop for the best tack for your horse, that often, some of the better deals, are put together western tack sets.

As you shop, let the experts, at the places you shop, help you out by looking seriously at what they are offering on the western tack sets. Very important though is to go shopping well prepared to provide information about the rider as well as the horse, so you can personalize the cowboy tack you purchase to your best abilities.


Weaver Leather Stacy Westfall ProTack Oiled Browband HeadstallWeaver Leather Stacy Westfall ProTack Oiled Browband Headstall, BrownTahoe Closeout 6 Item Easy Ride Western Pleasure Trail Saddle SetTahoe Closeout 6 Item Easy Ride Western Pleasure Trail Saddle Set, BlackHilason Western Leather Horse Headstall Breast CollarHilason Western Leather Horse Headstall Breast Collar

Enjoy the trip, and you will be very happy you prepared well before your purchased the tack you did. Great riding enjoyment to you!

Read More About Tack For Your Horse-View Related Posts Below

Traveling With Saddle Blankets and Other Western Tack

Great discussion of traveling with all of your Western Tack and how to best take care of. This includes saddle blankets, bridles, bits, saddle cover etc.
Horse Bridles-Are Bitless Bridles a Better Choice

Controversy surrounds the use of horse bridles with bits, and the use of bitless bridles. Dr. Cooks bitless bridle is in the middle of this discussion.

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