One of the main objectives of my site is to provide a deep website, with many different articles about horses and horse care. I am aiming to give the researcher or reader a wonderful site experience.This page is a great source for information for you the western horse rider.
I want the customers to not just enjoy the site, but to use it as a great source of thoroughly researched information for the avid horse lover and the great western horse riders out there.
This page is the entry way to 7 of out best information pages, that you may use for your research. Good Luck and please let us know if these pages help you out.
A provocative discussion of which is better for your horse, bit less or bited bridles. There is much discussion about this, and obviously two diabolically different points of view can be expressed by both sides of the argument.
We go into a lengthy point of view by Dr. Robert Cook, backed with research evidence supporting his bit less point of view.
This is also a detailed article of all of the types of bridles used by horse owners from around the world. We go into where and when the bridles are used.
There is much to chew on here, and much thought should be applied to this area of horse equipment, before you decide what you will be using on and with your horse…
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Owning a horse is a large responsibility. If you are new or recent to horse ownership and horse riding, this is a great place to begin.
This is a wonderful article, chocked full of horse tack terms and descriptions that will give the newbie a much broader understanding of the types of horse tack that is available.
Most of this information is essential to having knowledge of so that you can properly take care of and use your horse for riding. We discuss everything from headstalls and bridles to saddles and halters.
We also tell the reader about the advantages of buying western tack sets, and also talk about the advantages of purchasing top of the line quality, tack sets wen you do make larger purchases like this.
For a more in depth look and education, go to this page and have your learning brain turned on to get the most out of this article.
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When you own a horse, you are looking for a pleasurable time riding your horse. As time goes by, you will be riding your horse in many different situations. You may also be doing some traveling with your horse.
As you do travel you will be needing to plan ahead on what types of things you will be needing to take top care of your horse. Things that you will need to be preparing for are the best ways to protect your horse equipment.
Equipment such as the saddle, how to keep your horse warm after riding it and then the drive back home in a trailer. Horse blankets, a saddle cover, and a saddle stand are some of the horse accessories, that come to mind.
These and many other saddle accessories are covered in our article here…
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The large discussion about saddles is the synthetic saddle versus the real leather saddle. The sides are well chosen, and they have their reasons for believing which one is better for them. A good argument for price differences and ease of cleaning are two points that are often brought up.
The synthetic saddle has many advantages which we openly talk about, and many great points are brought to front. Many advantages for the synthetic saddle are brought into our article about why these saddles are great to use for endurance horse riding. Our seven top tips are presented in a very logical manner.
A quick read through this page will give you a better idea of out presentation on why a synthetic saddle would be a good choice for some horse riding activities.
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In this very useful article our discussion is a detailed talk on how you would go about measuring everything that is needed to be measured in fitting a saddle to your horse.
What are some of the things that come to mind in measuring a horse and yourself for a good fit saddle?
We visit the top things that need to be considered in fitting a saddle to your horse. Both the horse’s measurements and your measurements are talked about.
A deep thought provoking but yet a great way to best fit a saddle to both rider and horse are detailed out for you. We hope this will help you out in this very important horse purchase
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How to buy a youth saddle is similar but yet very different to buying a saddle for yourself. Have you ever thought about how important it would be to include your child in the process?
A very good discussion on the size guidelines for buying a youth saddle are included. How about the idea of teaching your child during this process how to clean and care for a saddle as well.
Many responsibility lessons could be useful in helping form your child’s future habits. All good of course.
A good bonding process for parent and child is laid out in this instructions on buying a saddle for a young person. Many hours of riding pleasure of course being the goal. Read More»
Every good western you have ever watched had a hero, a good guy, and then there was the villain. What on earth are we talking about?
Billy Cook is a legend in his own time, a hero to many. Why a hero you ask? Because his saddlery products are products of legendary design and quality.
The best some say that there is to buy and to own. But the villain is Billy Cook’s luck or all the circumstances that have surrounded him.
All of this has made it very difficult for a person to find, or to own an original Billy Cook saddle. They are very hard to come by. Read this great article about the legend of Billy Cook Saddlery products.
We think you will enjoy and learn about what makes a great saddlery product. Read More»